The solar soution

AmaTerrasu offers new solutions to harness the energy of the sun
_ We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles _ T. Edison
About us
Our Products

The Market for Photovoltaic Systems

AmaTerrasu offers innovative solar tracking system for PVs.

A profitable system:

  • Easy and fast installation
  • Low maintenance
  • Mobile
  • No concrete and/or leveling required
  • On-site assembly and no heavy equipment required

Innovosud PAE Mercorent
132 rue Marquis de Laplace
34500 Béziers
06 17 38 30 96


Solar - CSP - solar thermal power plant - solar solution - amaterrasu - Solar solution Beziers _ Renewable Energy - solar panel - innovosud - olivier Koszul - Solar tracker - hot water - PV - Photovoltaic _ thermodynamics - thermodynamic solar energy

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